PMEL in the News
Ocean Acidification Could Amplify Climate Disruption
One of the more serious impacts of human-caused climate disruption occurs when seawater absorbs excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. When this occurs, the carbon dioxide reacts with the water to form carbonic acid, which then ultimately reduces its pH level. For much of the marine life in the oceans, the consequences of this will be dire. Dr. Feely is quoted.
Hot days, hot nights: A climatologist's view of this summer
Sample science: Ocean explorers search for methane off the Oregon Coast
After three weeks of scanning and sampling for methane seeping out along the Cascadia Subduction Zone, researchers aboard the Nautilus pulled into the Port of Astoria on Friday with their findings. Tamara Baumberger and Bob Dziak are quoted.
O say can you see: Are fireworks particles bad for your health?
A scientific look at how fireworks can impact breathing for sensitive groups like young children and pregnant women.Nick Bond is quoted.
Saildrones go where humans can’t — or don’t want to — to study the world’s oceans
NEAH BAY, Clallam County — As the crew of a Makah tribal salmon boat unloaded their catch like generations of fishermen before them, scientists at the other end of the pier in this small coastal community were wrangling more futuristic cargo. Chris Meinig is quoted and the Arctic and TPOS Saildrone missions are referenced.