PMEL in the News
Strange Orange Robots Sail Into Dutch Harbor. Just What Are They Up To?
Aquatic robots have been spotted in the Aleutian Islands. Two ocean-going drones were seen sailing into Dutch Harbor Monday night with no one on board.
Time To Let Your Lawn Go Brown, Climatologists Say
Extremely dry weather and rising use have got the Puget Sound region’s cities thinking seriously about a water shortage later this year.
Saving Our Seas
It’s no secret that the ocean is a vast space. Comprising over 90 percent of the Earth’s habitable space, it seems impossible that humans could have a serious impact on this massive environment teeming with life.
Widespread Drought Spells Disaster for Farmers, Fish, People Across the State
Officials who oversee water supplies, agriculture and fish don’t have to exaggerate to convey the grim conditions facing Washington as a result of a prolonged drought.
Wendy Schmidt XPRIZE is an Awesome Win for Ocean Health, Ocean Science and Ocean Technology
If I ever meet Wendy Schmidt in person, it’s probably going to be awkward. I’ll be doing my best to not instantaneously bear hug this woman who has sponsored a series of XPRIZE competitions to save the oceans from ourselves and push innovation in ocean technology forward.