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Logbook: September 21, 2004

45° 56.02' N, 130° 0.81' W

image of RAS intake funnel
2003 RAS intake funnel and temperature probe over an anhydrite chimney at Virgin vent. The chimney did not exist when the funnel was originally placed on the seafloor.

After arriving at Axial volcano, ROPOS dive R853 explored the ASHES vent field in the caldera. The first task was to locate the RAS instrument that has been deployed since last summer at Virgin vent. The RAS stands for "remote access sampler" and it is capable of taking vent fluid samples automatically or on command through out the year, while we are not here. ROPOS found a small chimney had grown underneath the RAS's fluid intake funnel since last year, almost reaching the top of funnel. Hot hydrothermal fluid could be observed going into the funnel. After taking many digital images, the RAS was prepared for recovery by stowing the funnel onto the RAS. Recovery of the RAS is planned for tomorrow.

Dive 853 also visited Gollum, Marshmallow, Inferno, Hell and Crack vents where a number of high and low temperature fluid samples were taken. At Inferno, a large collection of limpets was obtained using the suction sampler and ROPOS retrieved a sulfide chimney from Hell vent for microbiological analysis on the ship.




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Today's photos
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image of 2003 RAS
View of the 2003 RAS...
image of Inferno vent
Image of Inferno vent.


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