NeMO 2004 Cruise: R/V Thomas Thompson The NeMO 2004 program will use ROPOS to recover and deploy seafloor instruments and to take a suite of chemical, biologic, and geologic samples. The NeMO Project was conceived as a long-term study of the interactions between geology, chemistry, and biology on a dynamic part of the mid-ocean ridge system, using state-of art technology. The goal is to make multiple observations at one location over several years to document changes in interrelated systems. Hence, the need for a multi-year seafloor observatory. The focus since 1998 has been to sample and observe the system in the aftermath of a major eruption at the summit of the volcano. The remotely operated vehicle ROPOS is used as the primary sampling and mapping system. Scientific operations at Axial Volcano in 2004 include: 1. Biologic/chemical
sampling at hydrothermal vents with the ROPOS ROV, |
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