46° 0.2' N, 130°
0.4' W
Air temperature 62°F, 1530 PST
One of the tasks scheduled for dive R736
was to move weights that were left on the seafloor at ASHES vent field
near Dave's and Virgin vents, because we needed to make room for this
years Remote Access Sampler (RAS) at Virgin. The first weight at Dave's
vent was moved successfully. However, operational difficulties involving
tangled line made it necessary for ROPOS to return to the surface. After
a quick turnaround on deck, ROPOS was back on the bottom to continue its
work during dive R737. The weights at Virgin vent were re-positioned.
The RAS was successfully placed at Virgin, and its intake and temperature
probes were placed directly in the vent outflow. Over the next year, RAS
will acoustically communicate with the NeMO Net buoy, providing near real-time
temperature and water sampling data on command from shore. These results
are then displayed on the NeMO website (www.pmel.noaa.gov/eoi/nemo).
Later during the dive, three experiments deployed last year were successfully
recovered: two larval arrays and one limpet transplant cage. After the
dive, a CTD cast was performed. ROPOS is in the water again for dive R738,
this time at the north rift zone recovering transponders. The transponders
will have their batteries swapped out and will be re-deployed on Axial's
north rift zone closer to the CASM vent field, where we plan to deploy
instruments on a later dive.
Remote Access Sampler (RAS) in position at Virgin vent.
Teacher's Report
Bill Hanshumaker, Educator at Sea
A small
chimney at the base of Hell sulfide structure teeming with biota including
several types of worms and gastropods.
Research on the deep-sea biological communities
has many challenges, butis proceeding at a remarkable pace. Though we
weren't even aware of this ecosystem prior to 1977, chemotrophic-based
ecosystems have been found in every ocean and in an incredible array of
environments. From hot vents to cold seeps, symbiotic creatures use hydrogen
sulfide, methane, and even wood or dead whales as a primary energy source.
Research into these environments is hampered by the extreme physical conditions.
Initially, only tantalizing glimpses were possible through shipboard sampling
"grabs" or the brief glimpses facilitated by submersibles such
as the Alvin or remotely operated vehicles like ROPOS. These observational
studies were usually documented with video recordings. But these are generally
brief "snapshots" of animal behavior, and are often biased by
the presence of the vehicle and, perhaps more importantly, the bright
light in a normally pitch-black environment. Later, longer-term studies
were conducted by equipment left on site to be retrieved on a subsequent
expedition. While this provides beginning and end points for comparison,
the intervening process is subject to both interpretation and speculation.
The top of Hell vent, a large high-temperature
sulfide structure in the ASHES vent field. Notice the two black smoker
chimneys at the top and colonies of tubeworms in the foreground .
In situ experiments conducted in the Thompson's
labs use organisms brought up from the vent systems on the seafloor. They
are generally short-term experiments since the animals eventually die
from environmental stress. The transport up from the bottom, and the subsequent
reduction in pressure, temperature increase, presence of light, and the
lack of sulfide are all factors that can contribute to the animals' mortality.
Experiments under high pressure, with the correct temperature and chemical
conditions, can extend the time vent animals can live on board the ship.
It is through this type of experimentation that important details about
these unique animals are added to our body of knowledge.
Though this research process is difficult,
there are important implications. Exploring symbiotic relationships has
important manifestations in both the terrestrial and marine environments.
Nitrogen fixation is an essential process mediated by bacteria for replenishing
soils depleted by agriculture. From cows to termites, cellulose digestion
is dependent on bacterial symbiants. The world's coral reef ecosystems
would not be possible without their accompanying symbiotic algae. What
we discover about symbiosis here at the deep-sea vents can have global