Refereed Papers and Book Chapter
Stafford, K.M., S.E. Moore, P.J. Stabeno, D.V. Holliday, J.M. Napp, and D.K. Mellinger. 2010. Biophysical ocean observation in the southeastern Bering Sea. Geophys. Rev. Lett. 37: L02606 (doi:10.1029/2009GL040724). 4 pp.
Dziak, R.P., J.H. Haxel, H. Matsumoto, T.K. Lau, S.G. Merle, C.E.J. de Ronde, R.W. Embley, and D.K. Mellinger. 2008. Observations of regional seismicity and local harmonic tremor at Brothers volcano, south Kermadec arc, using an ocean bottom hydrophone array, J. Geophys. Res. 113, B08S04, doi:10.1029/2007JB005533.
Mellinger, D.K. 2008. A neural network for classifying clicks of Blainville's beaked whales (Mesoplodon densirostris). Canad. Acoust. 36(1):55-59.
D.K., K.M. Stafford, S.E. Moore, R.P. Dziak, and H. Matsumoto. 2007.
An overview of fixed passive acoustic observation methods for cetaceans.
Oceanography 20(4):36-45.
K.M., D.K. Mellinger, S.E. Moore, and C.G. Fox.
2007. Seasonal variability and detection range modeling of baleen
whale calls in the Gulf of Alaska, 1999-2002. J. Acoust. Soc. Am.
Mellinger, D.K., S.L. Nieukirk, H. Matsumoto, S.L.
Heimlich, R.P. Dziak, J. Haxel, M. Fowler, C. Meinig, and H.V. Miller.
2007. Seasonal occurrence of North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena
glacialis) at two sites on the Scotian Shelf. Marine Mamm. Sci.
D.K., and C.W. Clark. 2006. MobySound: A reference archive for
studying automatic recognition of marine mammal sounds. Appl.
Acoust. 67(11-12):1226-1242.
Moore, S.E., K.M. Stafford, D.K. Mellinger, and
J.A. Hildebrand. 2006. Listening for large whales in the offshore
waters of Alaska. BioScience 56(1):49-55.
S.L., D.K. Mellinger, S.L. Nieukirk, and C.G. Fox.
2005. Types, distribution, and seasonal occurrence of sounds from
Bryde's whales (Balaenoptera edeni) in the eastern tropical
Pacific, 1999-2001. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118(3):1830-1837.
L.M., D.K. Mellinger, S.M. Wiggins, S.E. Moore,
and J.A. Hildebrand. 2005. Performance of spectrogram correlation
in detecting right whale calls in long-term recordings from the
Bering Sea. Canad. Acoust. 33(2):25-34.
Stafford, K.M., D.R. Bohnenstiehl, M. Tolstoy, E. Chapp, D.K.
Mellinger, and S.E. Moore. 2004. Antarctic-type blue whale
calls recorded at low latitudes in the Indian and the eastern Pacific
Oceans. Deep-Sea Res. I 51(10):1337-1346.
Mellinger, D.K., K.M. Stafford, S.E. Moore, L. Munger,
and C.G. Fox. 2004. Detection of North Pacific right whale (Eubalaena
japonica) calls in the Gulf of Alaska. Marine Mamm. Sci. 20(4):872-879.
D.K. A comparison of methods for detecting right whale calls.
2004. Canad. Acoust. 32(2):55-65.
Hayes, S.A., A. Kumar, D.P. Costa, D.K. Mellinger,
J. Harvey, B. Southall, B. LeBoeuf. 2004. Evaluating the function
of the male harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) roar through playback
experiments. Anim. Behav. 67(6):1133-1139.
S.L., K.M. Stafford, D.K. Mellinger, and C.G. Fox.
2004. Low-frequency whale and airgun sounds recorded from the mid-Atlantic
Ocean. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 115(4):1832-1843.
Mellinger, D.K., K.M. Stafford, and C.G. Fox. 2004.
Seasonal occurrence of sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus)
sounds in the Gulf of Alaska, 1999-2001. Marine Mamm. Sci. 20(1):48-62.
D.K., and C.W. Clark. 2003. Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)
sounds from the North Atlantic. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 114(2):1108–1119.
Parijs, S.M., P.J. Corkeron, J. Harvey, S. Hayes, D.K. Mellinger,
P. Rouget, P.M. Thompson, M. Wahlberg, and K.M. Kovacs. 2003. Global
patterns in vocalizations of male harbor seals. J. Acoust. Soc.
Am. 113(6):3403–3410.
J.M., K. Wynne, and D.K. Mellinger. 2003. Documented
sighting of a North Pacific right whale in the Gulf of Alaska and
post-sighting acoustic monitoring. Northwestern Naturalist 84(1):38-43.
A.M., D.K. Mellinger, S. Stienessen, A. Martinez,
and K. Mullin. 2002. Depth-dependent acoustic features of diving
sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in the Gulf of Mexico.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 112(1):308-321.
Charif, R.A., D.K. Mellinger, K.J. Dunsmore, and
C.W. Clark. 2002. Estimated source levels of fin whale (Balaenoptera
physalus) vocalizations: Adjustments for surface interference.
Marine Mamm. Sci. 18(1):81–98.
S.A., D.K. Mellinger, J.F. Borsani, D.P. Costa,
and D.A. Croll. 2000. An inexpensive passive acoustic system for
recording and tracking wild animals. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 107(6):
Mellinger, D.K., C.D. Carson, and C.W. Clark. 2000.
Characteristics of minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
pulse trains recorded near Puerto Rico. Marine Mamm. Sci. 16(4): 739–756.
D.K., and C.W. Clark. 2000. Recognizing transient low-frequency
whale sounds by spectrogram correlation. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 107(6):
Evans, W.R., and D.K. Mellinger.
1999. Monitoring grassland birds in nocturnal migration. Studies
Avian Biol. 19: 219–229.
D.K., and C.W. Clark. 1997. Methods for automatic detection of
mysticete sounds. Marine Freshwater Beh. Physiol. 29, 163–181.
Mellinger, D.K., and B. Mont-Reynaud. 1996. Scene
Analysis. Chapter in Auditory Computation, H.L. Hawkins,
T.A. McMullen, A.N. Popper, and R.R. Fay, eds. Springer-Verlag, New
York, pp. 271–331.
J.R., D.K. Mellinger, and C.W. Clark. 1994. Marine
mammal call classification using artificial neural networks. J.
Acoust. Soc. Am. 96(3): 1255–1262.
Mellinger, D.K., G.E. Garnett,
and B. Mont-Reynaud. 1989. Virtual digital signal processing in
an object-oriented system. Comp. Mus. J. 13(2): 71–76.
Technical Reports (Non-refereed)
Gillespie, D., J. Gordon, R. McHugh, D. McLaren, D.K. Mellinger, P. Redmond, A. Thode, P. Trinder, and X.Y. Deng. 2008. PAMGUARD: Semiautomated, open source software for real-time acoustic detection and localisation of cetaceans. Proc. Inst. Acoust. 30(5), 9 pp.
Mellinger, D.K. 2007. Datasets of odontocete
sounds annotated for developing automatic detection methods.
Technical Report NPS-OC-07-007, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey,
CA. 27 pp.
D.K., and J. Barlow. 2003. Future Directions for Marine Mammal
Acoustic Surveys: Stock Assessment and Habitat Use. Workshop
held in La Jolla, CA, 20-22 November 2002. Technical report, NOAA/PMEL
Contribution No. 2557, NOAA/PMEL, Seattle. 45 pp.
D.K. 2001. Ishmael 1.0 User’s Guide. Natl. Oceanogr.
Atmos. Admin. Tech. Memo. OAR–PMEL–120 (NOAA PMEL,
Seattle). 30 pp.
Clark, C.W., and Mellinger, D.K. 1996. Fin Whales
'93, North Atlantic. Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, Ithaca.
Audio CD.
D.K. 1991. Event Formation and Separation in Musical Sound.
Technical Report STAN–M–77, Department of Music, Stanford
University. Ph.D. thesis.
Conference Papers (Non-refereed)
Sagen, H., S. Sandven, A. Beszczynska-Moeller, O. Boebel, T.F. Duda, L. Freitag, J.C. Gascard, A. Gavrilov, C.M. Lee, D.K. Mellinger, P. Mikhalevsky, S. Moore, A.K. Morozov, M. Rixen, E. Skarsoulis, K. Stafford, E. Tveit, and P.F. Worcester. 2009. Acoustic technologies for observing the interior of the Arctic Ocean. Proc. OceanObs'09, 21-25 September 2009, Venice. 5 pp. Sagen09-AcousticTechnologiesForArcticInterior.pdf
Moretti, D., N. DiMarzio, R. Morrissey, D. Mellinger, S. Heimlich, H. Pettis. 2008. Overview of the 3rd International Workshop on the Detection and Classification of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics. Canad. Acoust. 36(1):7-11.
Moretti, D.J., and D.K. Mellinger. 2008. Guest editorial, special issue on the Third International Workshop on the Detection and Classification of Marine Mammals Using Passive Acoustics. Canad. Acoust. 36(1), 1 page.
D.K., and J. W. Bradbury. 2007. Acoustic measurement of marine
mammal sounds in noisy environments. Proc. International Conference
on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies and Results,
Heraklion, Greece, pp. 273-280.
R.P., M. Park, H. Matsumoto, D.R. Bohnenstiehl, J.H. Haxel, D.K.
Mellinger, K. Stafford, and W.S. Lee. 2007. Hydroacoustic
monitoring of the Bransfield Strait and Drake Passage, Antarctica:
A first analysis of seafloor seismicity, cryogenic acoustic sources,
and cetacean vocalizations. Proc. 10th International Symposium on
Antarctic Earth Science, Santa Barbara, August 2007. 5 pp.
H., R.P. Dziak, D.K. Mellinger, M. Fowler, J. Haxel,
A. Lau, C. Meinig, J. Bumgardner, and W. Hannah. 2006. Autonomous
hydrophones at NOAA/OSU and a new seafloor sentry system for real-time
detection of acoustic events. Proc. IEEE Oceans '06. 4 pp.
H., S. Nieukirk, M. Fowler, J. Haxel, S. Heimlich, D.K.
Mellinger, R. Dziak, and C. Fox. 2003. Sound in the Sea:
Hands-on Experience with the NOAA Acoustics Program. Proc. Oceans '03,
pp. 1565-1571.
A.M., D.K. Mellinger, and A. Martinez. 2003. Depth-dependent
behavioral and spectral features of diving sperm whales (Physeter
macrocephalus) in the Gulf of Mexico. Proc. Twenty-first Annual
Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting, January 2002 (U.S.
Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of
Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans), pp. 503-508.
D.K., A. Thode, and A. Martinez. 2003. Passive acoustic monitoring
of sperm whales in the Gulf of Mexico, with a model of acoustic
detection distance. Proc. Twenty-first Annual Gulf of Mexico Information
Transfer Meeting, January 2002 (U.S. Department of the Interior,
Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans),
pp. 493-501.
D.K. 1997. A low-cost, high-performance sound capture and archiving
system for the subtidal zone. Proc. Inst. Acoust. 19(9): 115–121.
Mellinger, D.K., and C.W. Clark. 1993. A perceptual
gain control technique for bioacoustic transient detection. Audio
Engr. Soc. 95th Convention. 8 pp.
Mellinger, D.K. 1993. Handling
time variability in bioacoustic transient detection. Proc. IEEE
Oceans ‘93, 116–121.
Mellinger, D.K., and C.W. Clark,
1993. A method for filtering bioacoustic transients by spectrogram
image convolution. Proc. IEEE Oceans ‘93, 122–127.
Mellinger, D.K., and B. Mont-Reynaud.
1991. SoundExplorer: A workbench for investigating source separation.
Proc. Intl. Comp. Music Conf., 90–93.
Mont-Reynaud, B., and D.K. Mellinger.
1989. Source separation by frequency co-modulation. Proc. First
Intl. Conf. on Music Percept. and Cogn., 99–102.
Mellinger, D.K., and K.A. Nitchie.
1987. Font matching with Flexifonts. Proc. Fourth Intl. Conf. on
Text Processing Systems, 111–117.