PMEL Acoustics Program logo National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Acoustics Program

Acoustics Cruise Schedule

Cruise Dates Ports-Ship Area/Purpose Personnel contact/PI
CIET June 3-14, 2013 Newport-Newport
R/V Oceanus
CIET Fowler Dziak
CIET June 17-23, 2013 Newport-Newport
R/V Oceanus
CIET Dziak, Semple, Fowler Dziak
Axial Volcano 4 - 19 September, 2013 Seattle - Seattle
R/V Thompson
Axial Volcano fluid sampling/pressure Fowler Butterfield
Antarctica Jan. 26-Feb. 20, 2014 Christchurch, NZ / McMurdo Station, Antarctica
RVIB Araon
Deploy OBH & AUH in Ross Sea to monitor seismic, crystogenic and marine mammal acoustics. Fowler Dziak/Lee
CIET May 28-June 1, 2014 Newport
R/V Oceanus
Cascadia OBS Array Fowler, Turpin Dziak/Toomey
NRS08 June 11, 2014 R/V Gloria Michelle Deploy Ocean Noise Reference Station Northeastern continental U.S.   NOAA/NEFSC
CIET July 10-19, 2014 Newport
R/V Oceanus
Cascadia OBS Array Fowler Dziak/Toomey
NRS04 July 2014 R/V Hi'ialakai Deploy Ocean Noise Reference Station Hawaiian Islands   NOAA/PIFSC
NRS06 July 20, 2014 R/V Gordon Gunter Deploy Ocean Noise Reference Station Gulf of America   NOAA/SEFSC
UxS Sept. 17-21, 2014 Newport
R/V Oceanus
Test AUV's & USV's Klinck, Turpin Klinck
NRS01 Oct. 1, 2014 R/V Aquila Deploy Ocean Noise Reference Station Alaskan Arctic   NOAA/AFSC
NRS03 Sept. 24-Oct. 2, 2014 Newport/Seattle
NOAA Ship Shamada
Deploy Ocean Noise Reference Station 03 off WA coast. Fowler Klinck
NRS05 Oct. 17, 2014 R/V Ocean Starr Deploy Ocean Noise Reference Station Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary  



NRS09 Oct. 29, 2014 R/V Auk Deploy Ocean Noise Reference Station Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary   NOAA/SBNMS
Antarctica Nov. 18-Dec. 27, 2014 Christchurch, NZ
R/V Araon
Recover OBH in Ross Sea Fournet Dziak
Marianas Nov. 29-Dec. 21, 2014 Guam
R/V Revelle
Marianas Basin: deploy instruments & ROV on NW Rota seamount Fowler Chadwick


Jan. 2, 2015 R/V Thompson Deploy Ocean Noise Reference Station Gulf of Alaska   NOAA/PMEL
NRS07 Apr. 19, 2015 R/V Gordon Gunter Deploy Ocean Noise Reference Station Southeastern continental U.S.   NOAA/SEFSC
NRS10 June 9, 2015 Small NPS R/V Deploy Ocean Noise Reference Station Ofu Island, American Samoa   NPS