National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
United States Department of Commerce

atmospheric chemistry

Development of a Hybrid Vertical-Take-Off-and-Landing Fixed Wing Aircraft for Shipboard Operations


A hybrid quadrotor (HQ) unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) platform with the ability of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) and conversion to fixed wing (FW) flight allows for operations from ships, where launch and recover space is constrained while maintaining the range and endurance of a FW aircraft. The HQ technology eliminates the need for rail launchers and aerial capture technologies such as large nets and wires.

Launch of a 20-lb test VTOL-Fixed Wing hybrid UAS from the NOAA RV Oscar Elton Sette in June 2016.

Launch of a 20-lb test VTOL-Fixed Wing hybrid UAS from the NOAA RV Oscar Elton Sette in June 2016.


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