Recently Submitted Proposals
Title: Collaborative Research: Trace Metal Deposition and Cycling In The North Atlantic On The 2013 CLIVAR/Repeat Hydrography A16N Expedition. Submitted to NSF-OCE-Chemical Oceanography on August 15 2012. Collaborative with William Landing, FSU.
Current Trace Element Funding
Title:Collaborative Research: Collaborative Research: U.S. GEOTRACES Pacific Section – Shipboard Al, Mn and Fe. NSF-OCE-Chemical Oceanography: 9/1/12-8/30/15. Collaborative with: P. Sedwick (ODU).
Title:Collaborative Research: Global Ocean Survey of Dissolved Iron and Aluminum and Aerosol Iron and Aluminum Solubility Supporting the CLIVAR Repeat Hydrography Project (2007-20013). NSF-OCE-Chemical Oceanography, 03/07 – 02/13 Collaborative with: W. Landing, C. Measures.
Past Trace Element Funding
Title: Iron in the Equatorial Undercurrent: Data and Models NSF Chemical Oceanography, 09/04-08/08 C0-PI: James Murray.
Title: Collaborative Research: Global ocean survey of dissolved iron and aluminum and aerosol iron and aluminum solubility supporting the Repeat Hydrography \(CO2\) project. NSF Chem.Ocn. 02/03-02-06 Co-PIs: Christopher Measures, William Landing