5.5 Dive Map Nomenclature
The dive maps depict all Vents and Markers visited, samples collected on each dive, in addition all instruments deployed and recovered are also cited.
Nomenclature Example: SS-12_dfl_R503-4
The first letters indicate the sample type. The sample type may be followed by a hyphen and a number, which indicates the number for that specific sample type (could be a HFS filter number, suction sample jar number, etc.)
The letters following the underscore give more information about the sample:
_dlf indicates that the sample was in diffuse flow.
The final number, following the hyphen, designates the dive sample number.
-4 indicates that it was sample number 4 for the dive.
Sample type abbreviations More sample information:
SS Suction Sample mat bacterial mat
HFS Hot Fluid Sampler dfl diffuse flow
Niskin Niskin bottle hfl high temp flow
Gtb Gas Tight Bottle flc bacterial flock
Bactrp Bacteria Trap osmo osmo (sampler or analyzer)
Bio Biological sample HOBO temperature probe (152 - 419C)
Sf sulfide MTR temperature probe (2 - 34C)
Rck rock VEMCO temperature probe (0 - 50C)
FeO iron oxide TLC time lapse camera
Red stars represents vent locations.
Smaller white stars represents marker locations.