Global OA Observing Network
To Develop an Ocean Acidification Observing Network of Ship Surveys, Moorings, Floats and Gliders
Introduction and Background
In order to document the status and progress of ocean acidification in open-ocean and coastal environments, and to understand its drivers and impacts on marine ecosystems, it is necessary to develop a coordinated multidisciplinary multinational approach for observations and modeling that will be fundamental to establishing a successful research strategy for ocean acidification. This will facilitate the development of our capability to predict present-day and future responses of marine biota, ecosystem processes, biogeochemistry, and climate change feedbacks. Required research elements include regional and global networks of observations collected in concert with process studies, manipulative experiments, field studies, and modeling. Global and regional observation networks will provide the necessary data required to firmly establish impacts attributable to ocean acidification. With support of the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program, researchers at PMEL are part of the international collaboration to build an integrated global observing network for ocean acidification.
Follow this link for detailed information about the GOA-ON project: