National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
United States Department of Commerce

Synthesis of Arctic Research

A bowhead whale swims through a lead in the sea ice.  Photo by Robert Suydam.

A bowhead whale swims through a lead in the sea ice.  Photo by Robert Suydam.

July 10, 2015

More than 100 Arctic scientists and local experts have completed a multidisciplinary synthesis of marine ecosystem science in the Pacific Arctic to better understand recent, extreme changes in the region’s biophysics.  The Synthesis of Arctic Research (SOAR) project, led by NOAA scientists Sue Moore (NOAA/Fisheries) and Phyllis Stabeno (NOAA/OAR), and supported by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, uses completed and ongoing research to capture the conditions of the ‘new state’ of the Pacific Arctic.  

Synthesis findings are published in a special issue of Progress in Oceanography available July 13th, 2015, comprised of 17 papers on topics ranging from ocean physics to whales (  Four of the special issue papers are open access, including the preface to the special issue by Moore and Stabeno ( 

SOAR website: