Arctic Wave Glider Summer 2011
PMEL has partnered with Liquid Robotics Inc. to deploy Arctic Wave Gliders (AWG) collect surface temperature measurements during the ice-free late summer in the Beaufort Sea. Powered by a battery replenished by solar cells, the Arctic wave glider is a robust, cost effective platform for ocean observations.
Deployment in late summer 2011
Two Arctic wave gliders were deployed from July 30-Sept 23, 2011 in the Beaufort Sea. Each was outfitted with thermistors embedded in the tether in the upper 6m and ~900,000 discreet measurements were returned in realtime over the 55 day mission covering more than 1300 nautical miles. Twenty diagnostic photos were captured by a camera on the deck of the wave glider to better understand the local conditions near the ice-edge. Data downloads are available below.
- YouTube: Wave Gliders for ocean research
- Mackenzie River Plume 2011: mp4
- Mackenzie Plume 2008: mp4 | wmv
- YouTube: Rapid heating of the Mackenzie River plume in 2008
- Wood, K.R., J.E. Overland, S.A. Salo, N.A. Bond, W.J. Williams, and X. Dong (2013): Is there a "new normal" climate in the Beaufort Sea? Polar Res., 32, 19552, doi: 10.3402/polar.v32i0.19552. [PDF Version]
2011 Wave Glider data:
Satellite Sea Surface Temperature images
Zip files containing MODIS satellite SST images for each year (jpg format)